The Third Amigo

The Third Amigo While Colombians are relieved to see FARC weakened, evidence has emerged that Uribe collaborated with right-wing paramilitaries to defeat the rebels. Features a rare one-on-one interview with the President.
'I am happy to guarantee a future of transparency in politics.' Applause and dances - a smiling Uribe is shaking hands at a rally. After the liberation of high-profile hostages from the FARC, he is confident of his popularity. But in a village cemetery, Hilda is crying over her son's grave. Picked at random by army soldiers, executed and dressed in a rebel uniform, he was the victim of a sinister Army practice. 'In order to be promoted to a higher rank, it's necessary to meet a quota of enemy dead', says a peace activist. Allegations have also emerged that Uribe uses paramilitaries to silence his opponents, who fear for their lives: 'We believe close to 1500 people have been assassinated by members of the security forces. We who have the public voice we're paying the price.'

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