Pirates Love Fish
The unexpected benefits of piracy for Kenya's fishing industry.
These fishermen are used to earning less than £5 a day but over the last few months they've been netting huge catches, increasing their wages by over 50 times. 'Yesterday I made 20,000, I got a big shark' boasts one fisherman. With only one patrol boat and thousands of miles of ocean, preventing illegal fisheries has been an impossible task for the Kenyan fishery department. Something, ironically, the pirates are taking care of. But it's not only the fisherman who are benefiting from revived fish stocks, sports fishermen are having their best season in 40 years. 'I have never seen a season like it' beams Captain Massood, who takes tourists on deep-sea fishing trips. Marine biologist Steve Trott believes this 'is the strongest indicator yet that these commercial scale fleets have had a destructive impact on Kenyan fisheries.'