China/Russia: The Cold Boundary



Report: Cornelia Vospernik
Camera: Gernot Kuntze
Producer: Michael Arri
Editing: Got Wanho

Rights: 01/Eigendreh, text End: 6.59

AKM: Music is a Russian pirate copy in MP3.

Name: Vspominjaj Magadan

Publisher: "Disco Club Records”, Moscow

Title and performer (s) for this are apparently not led Cut ...


off music
Heihe, China, is only a stone’s throw from Blagoveshchensk in Russia


But the Amur River is a heavily guarded border.

In the 1960s the two communist countries came to blows over this border,


and disagreement continued until the 90s. The border disputes were settled last year, but bad feelings remain

Especially on the Russian side; this is because Heihe is a gateway for hundreds of thousands of Chinese travelling into Russia’s Far East


Official figures state that at least one million people speak Chinese here; some Russians believe that there are several million.


These men come from Shan Dong to await their journey. In Russia they earn twice as much as at home.


OT Wang Yen Wey, guest workers: (1.18-1.26)
Of course, there are also jobs in China.

OT Wang Zhong Bao, guest workers: (1.27-1.32)
 We only work there to gain some money.


Still, people are fearful. Moscow recently halted the building of a bridge over the Amur River- the first pillar stands alone at Heihe.

Because of this, workers try to cross the river; but if the ice is not thick enough for trucks to cross, everything will have to be transported by hover-craft.


Many suspect that the blockades are a cheap ploy to improve business for Russian and Chinese carriers.

Several times a day they carry buyers to Heihe: most are Russian and Chinese guest workers importing Chinese goods to Blagoveshchensk.


Unlike on the Chinese side of the border, where everything is written in Russian, here there is nothing to signal the way to the market.



In Blagoveshchensk we can only shoot with a hidden camera. The mood in the so-called Chinese market is not good. Since last year, every Chinese trader here has to employ a Russian co-ordinator; even to have a booth is near impossible for the Chinese traders.


OT Händlerin (Russian): (2.42-2.51)

Yes, there are so many Chinese here - it is bad. It feels like we’re in China.

OT dealers (Russian): (2.52-2.56)
I am not afraid of competition, because I sell Russian goods.


It is safe to assume that most of the goods offered here come from China. Chinese traders believe that the Russian economy is failing, and that Russians need Chinese goods


OT Mr Lei, dealers (Chinese): (3.09-3.21)
70 percent of the taxes here are paid by our Chinese, the Russians only pay 30 percent. We generate 1000 rubles daily, our Russian colleagues only 300; that’s a big difference.


Our excursion to the market of Blagoveshchensk has already ended. Our cameras can come out of hiding

It isn’t only on this side of the border that relations are strained. We travel into North-East China to find out how the Chinese feel about doing business with Russia.


If their business relationship continues to flourish, it will soon be socially acceptable for Russian tourists to stay in five star hotels in China.


-- Suifenhe lives by the Russian quarter.


-- Busweise travels from the relatively near Vladivostok for her weekly shopping.

One Russian trading here is Nadezda. When we ask her why she is buying so many childrens’ clothes she replies  “I’m buying them for an orphanage I help out” but it is likely she is another trader.

It is difficult to tell where Russian resentment will lead. For many Russians, the Chinese are simply competition, and as a result of this they are currently importing Chinese goods to Russia.


’30 kilos of goods per person may be brought into Russia. We are very popular with the Chinese’, says Nadezda.


Nadezda OT, Russian tourist in China (4.29-4.47)

Of course, we bring them a lot business. Some older Chinese people respect Communism in the Soviet Union, as well as Chinese students who learn Russian. But for everybody else, we are simply a business opportunity that brings in money.

Though this place is difficult to reach, Nadezda is never alone when trading on the road at night


Many Russians in the Chinese city of Suifenhe have been attacked or even killed. This type of violence occurs again and again. The Vice-Mayor blames the attacks on alcohol, and describes the crimes as "normal criminal activity". For Chinese citizens in Russia however, the risks are even higher. [Sang Qing Wen relates: does not fit and is not in German version…]

OT Sang Qing Wen, Vice-Mayor Suifenhe (5.15-5.34)
There are many more Chinese deaths in Russia than Russian deaths in China. Often, people simply disappear. There are many raids. I was formerly head of a company. Many of my staff were attacked in Russia. It even happened to me once. Robberies and murders are more common against Chinese than against Russians.


The motivation behind these killings is clear. China needs Russia’s raw materials; Russian timber has to travel all the way to Suifenhe in China.


‘The timber business there is firmly in the hands of criminals,’ says a historian from Vladivostok who specializes in the tense relationship between China and Russia:

OT Leonid Kozlov, historian (German) (6.00-6.30)


People on both sides of the border have more in common than they think: They are all citizens of giant empires, both centralized, both tightly managed.
In both of these countries, the centre of operations does not understand what is happening on the periphery

Moscow and Beijing have proclaimed a new era of friendship, but here in the border lands those on both sides remain suspicious
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