
He is a nightmare to British MP's. His revelations about false claims have put a ticking time-bomb under the British political system.




For weeks the British newspapers have mentioned his name, but he has never spoken publicly about his role in the expenses scanda beforel. But today, for the first time, he tells his story on television.


Henry Gewanter:

I feel very proud to have achieved greatness in my own small way. government is coming down, good thing, politicians who have been dispositioned in all parties will soon be losing their jobs



Henry Gewanter, an American born PR-man, living in Britain for almost 30 years received la phonecall last spring that changed his life. An anonymous source told him about  secret computer discs containing dangerous information.


Henry Gewanter:

I knew we were handling dynamite, big story, I knew we were making lots of enemies...not just in one party, but any political party, natural concern that attempts would be made to continue to suppress the truth as for all those years




The computer discs showed expenses-claims and receipts. Claims from all British MP's over the last 5 years. Receipts full of fraud and unjustified claims. Gewanter was asked to operate as middleman, to bring this dangerous and embarrassing information to the media. He approached four newspapers.


Henry Gewanter:

The main conclusion was, had to report all politicians who had been bad, from all the parties, at least one newspaper was keen on using the information to hurt one party and leave behind all the other info



Eventually the Daily Telegraph met his demands: the expenses scandal took off. 



Hundreds of MP's appeared to have claimed the most bizarre and excessive matters, such as porn films for the secretary's husband 




MP's are embarrassed and the media enjoy the scandal and eccentric claims: claims for non-existing mortgages, claims for the duckhouse in the pool and the cleaning of the castle-moat. The list is endless, shameless and ludicrous.



The political damage is enormous. 7 secretaries resign, numerous MP's will stand down by the next election. For the first time in 400 years Mister Speaker, the officer of the House of Commons has to resign. Secretly Gewanter enjoys the turmoil.


Henry Gewanter:

I was standing in line to pay for my paper, when a woman behind me commented on the scandal on the front page and said she could not bear to buy that paper for her, it was too distressing for her and then said, now the government is trying to find out who is the leak, I suddenly had a shudder down my spine, thinking that’s me, I'd better not say anything, I paid for my paper and left directly



Gewanter is the middleman, the man who contacted the media. The ultimate source, the people who stole the discs and gave them to Gewanter stay anonymous. Who are they? Employees of the Audit Office? Or MP's who had enough of the fraud their colleagues practised? Gewanter won't say a word.


Henry Gewanter:

 can you say anything about your soure? Nothing at all. Is he working in parliament? He could be sacked and never work again, so it’s very important to protect our source from that kind of revenge.



Gewanter himself fears no revenge. A few weeks ago newspaper journalists revealed his name. The police told him that he won't be prosecuted. The press however thinks otherwise.


Henry Gewanter:

I’ve been bombarded by media interest. We have had the pleasure to doorstepping tv cameras outside our doors on the weekend and news wires knocking on the door, yet you have never done a tv interview, this is the first one. Yes, today is my first one



The spotlight is now on Prime Minister Gordon Brown. He himself didn't do much wrong, but the Labour party has sunk to new depths in this expenses scandal. The public expressed its anger in the European elections; Labour lost dramatically; their worst defeat ever. Even party members demand his resignation.

Henry Gewanter:

Mr brown has not done very well, he has been caught with his pants down and has been struggling ever since, he behaved terrible, his party has been abysmal handling this

 In my view these people should immediately resign in disgrace, or at least resign, I would like them to go and go quickly, but I believe these politicians have to be dragged out kicking and stremming every inch of the way         


The question comes to mind why Gewanter has revealed this scandal? It has nothing to do with private gain nor money he tells us.


Henry Gewanter:

does this mean you’re going to move to a holiday house in Jamaica and sip cocktails for the rest of your life? If only that were true, many reports in the press that there have been huge sums paid for this, 300 thousand pounds. I haven’t received a single penny for this, I did it for pro bono, the public good



The main result is public anger. Angry voters have more than ever lost their faith in politicians. But that is not my responsibility, says Gewanter.


Henry Gewanter:

It’s not my fault that they’ve lost, it’s their own fault, I’m proud to have a significant role to play in revealing this, but I didn’t bring down the government, they brought themselves down.



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