The Tea Party Express

Bus, office and bed: The Tea Party Express is on its way to Minneapolis, in the north of the USA. Musicians, managers and technicians are on the road with a stage show of patriotism and propaganda:
"If you wake up in a country in which you're free you should think of those who fight for it"
The first patriotic anthems are already being sung, as Louie and Nina Kyte still complete their equipment. The truck operator and Vietnam veteran is one of the supporters of the Tea Party:
00:35 Louie Kyte IV
Members of the tea party have made a fashion of their sentiments – through their clothes they proudly display the ideals of the American founding fathers - Veterans show the flag.
Amongst the idols of the movement is Sarah Palin, the populist former vice-presidential candidate from Alaska. – Tea Party officials direct their speeches at her– especially if it’s against President Obama
01:22 -  Mark Williams & Amy Kramer
You can hear the disapproval the Kyte family has towards health care reform in their Motto: He who was without health insurance until now has only himself to blame.
02:06 Louie IV
02:15 Nina IV
The majority here think that the state should stay out of it - the United States is not Europe:
02:29 Yellow Jacket IV
02:47 Melissa Franzen IV
Dan Kaye
Wherever Tea Party supporters gather - the audience in no way reflects the ethnic diversity of the United States.
Entertainer Mark Lloyd is the only African-Americans. His explanation:
03:50 Mark
In the end, all veterans are invited to the stage - Louie Kyte is there - one last song, then home again - and the Tea Party Express leaves Minneapolis behind.
Aperture of the skyline in the prairie
However, The Tea Party also exists where the bus cannot reach. South Dakota is in the middle of the continent. The best days of the town of Rapid City ended a long time ago.
The Tea-party is meeting here for a snack.
04:54 OT prayer
Citizens for Liberty: this Tea-Party Group formed a year ago here.
And this shows how the Tea Party network works: Conservative candidate for the House of Representatives of South Dakota is courting votes for the autumn elections. The Tea Party is ready to mobilize for them if they guarantee the political conduct of business:
05:36 Barb & Jeanette
The tight right-wing program of the Tea Party is consistent with that of the candidate: no to health care reform, bureaucracy and government. Against abortion, pro gun ownership.
06:20 Rock
There are no secret donors and no part money. Funds are raised through devoted Tea Party members.
The proudly presented main tourist attraction: Mount Rushmore and its sculpted stone heads of the past President - the target of numerous patriotic pilgrimages.
The worship of Ronald Reagan is another constant theme in the structure of the Tea Party. His policy of "less government, more privatisation" is seen as an ideology captured in the spirit of the stone effigies.

"No weapons to kill people, but Obama's health care reform" - a loud and aggressive cry - it appears the Tea Party is at its next stop in Detroit.
The city near the border with Canada has also seen better days. Unemployment is high, whole neighbourhoods are sunk in misery - and so the atmosphere is charged:
"I like my government" - a small group of counter-Tea Party protestors are stationed nearby- the fronts are clear:
Several hundred Tea Party supporters have come
The name of the unpopular president has given rise to speculation about his origin:
Doubts have been cast as to whether Barack Obama was born in the United States - a prerequisite for the Presidency.

As many as four Republican candidates for the office of the governor of Michigan are competing here for the favour of the Tea Party.
Mike Bouchard is a Republican and Tea Party member – he does not believe that political competition could arise from the protest movement:
The Tea Party also attracts extremists - Barack Obama has been equated with Adolf Hitler:
A Tea Party official talks of uninvited guests - those you cannot choose.
Thousands of miles have been travelled - the bus driver raves about the highlight of the tour:
Once again, Sarah Palin and Ronald Reagan: The hope for the future and the idol from the past.
Meanwhile, in the present, whether in the large bus or on their way home, they continue to quarrel with an unwanted president – the advocates of the Tea Party.

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