There is a sense of celebration here that is really infectious. After decades of civil war that cost an approximate 2 million lives, Independence is like a dream come true – but could any new nation face a more difficult challenge? There are barely any doctors. The civil administration does not exist. Poverty and corruption is rampant. In fact - no-one can actually tell you how many people live in this infant nation. In recent days, there has been fighting over disputed areas just north of here. Despite all this, in the last few days, we have seen the sort of optimism for the future that can't be denied.

REPORTER: Yalda Hakim

This was the moment millions of South Sudanese had waited for.

WOMAN:  We are rich in the Promised Land, today we are in the Promised Land!

Having voted overwhelmingly for independence from the north in January this year, tens of thousands gathered in the central South Sudan's capital, Juba, for the birth of the world's newest nation - The Republic of South Sudan.

What an incredible moment in history. These people are chanting, we are free, we are free! There is a real sense of hope and optimism for the future, optimism that this new chapter in their history will take them away from a very violent past. Many never believed that this day would come.

MAN:  This is a historical time so please let us open a new page and let us unite together.

As the sun rose on the country's first day, celebrations continued. In their thousands, they streamed into Juba's main stadium and from the moment they enter the grounds, they could not contain their joy. These people have not just travel to be here from around the country, but from all over the world.  29-year-old Australian Sudanese who fled the country as a refugee 15 years ago has returned for this day.

AUSTRALIAN SUDANESE:  Today I enjoy it. I can see what can help the south Sudanese is to have their freedom, their own independence so they can use their own authority and they can be even more independent and decide for themselves. Now South Sudan will be the place to be.

Amid the joyous mood, there was an element of fear about the reaction from many in the North who were unhappy about Africa’s largest nation dividing.

Security has been very tight here today and there has been a major concern about terrorism especially because of the ongoing fighting over the disputed border area.  A general from the south Sudanese People's Liberation Army says they will not give in to the north's demand for the oil rich area.

GENERAL: This is our land. We will not leave that land to them. It is ours so it could be another war. It could be another war.

In a surprise move, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir arrived to address the crowd.

OMAR AL-BASHIR, SUDAN PRESIDENT (Translation): We will be with you in cooperation and support while helping each other so that our country can progress and so that the people will know the taste of stability.

REPORTER:  Do you believe Omar al-Bashir's words?

GENERAL:  He is a criminal.

But for some, forgiveness comes more easily.

WOMAN:  I believe him because he says that the south Sudanese decided in the referendum result, we wanted a separation. He said, ‘let the southern Sudanese have what they want’, so he was frankly speaking.

South Sudan is one of the poorest countries in Africa. This conflict ravaged but oil rich state faces major challenges. As the first official anthem began and as the flag was raised, the mood was one of hope for the future.

And as you see, celebrations continued behind me. But can South Sudan survive, let alone function? That is a big question and Dateline will have a more detailed look at this fascinating country in a few weeks. It is certainly not all doom and gloom, just ask International Oil Companies who are already pumping oil out of here. South Sudan is the latest edition in our series of country fact files on a website.




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