00:00:00 - Rawlings soundbite (English)
"I don't think one really gain much from having to kill but the point is that we have to set the example, we have to show that we we're capable of doing…"
00:00:07 - Shot of a metal ballot box
00:00:08 - Rawlings casts his vote and is addressed by a man after he is finished
00:00:12 - Various shots of Rawlings close-up
00:00:14 - Rawlings walk to his jeep
00:00:16 - Rawlings enters jeep followed by his guards
00:00:18 - Uniformed lines of male troops marching in succession to military music
00:00:22 - Rawlings standing and saluting the soldiers on a small stage
00:00:25 - Female soldiers marching forward in lines
00:00:31 - Close-up of Rawlings wearing military jacket, dark glasses and black hat, standing and watching troops
00:00:32 - Rawlings turns his head and nods and turns back
00:00:34 - Rawlings interview (English)
"not really, but uh, I didn't expect to be here I mean as the chairman of the armed forces revolutionary council or…"
00:00:46 - An older Rawlings stands in salute with military music in backround
00:00:53 - Full shot of Rawlings and his aides and military personnel around him saluting
00:01:02 - Close-up of Rawlings saluting
00:01:13 - Rawlings soundbite (English)
"All Africans share the common destiny and that, the continued independence of each of their countries was conditional upon the independence of all others and that unless they pull resources together and work in unity, within strong and common institutions they would not be able to individually, satisfy the legitimate aspirations of their peoples for freedom, dignity and progress."
00:01:41 - Zoom in of a still where Rawlings is sitting in military uniform amongst other political delegates with a Ghana placard on his desk
00:01:45 - Rawlings walks down a red carpet in military uniform inspecting a line of soldiers on his right and followed by his guards
00:01:53 - Rawlings soudbite (English)
"Millions of people on this continent are caught between the relentless cycles of natural disasters on the one hand and war on the other and war and on the other social dislocations as well for the vast majority of us on this rich continent poverty and despair are our lot with no end in sight as food production declines relative to population growth."
00:02:18 - Rawlings walking with aides to away from aircraft to receive flowers
00:02:29 - Various shots of a still of Rawlings wearing a tribal dress and his wife Nana Konadu
00:02:39 - Rawlings interview (English)
"I'm the product of the anger of our people, it's like even saying, I'm not a product of the love of our people, I'm not a product of the hate of our people, of the fear of our people, our people went through all those various stages till they blew up, yes, and besides, if we've survived this long through all these hardships, it's precisely because we haven't lost, lost touch with reality, you know, we're supposed to be making a lot of progress but it's a very painful progress and I'm not out of touch with it."
00:03:19 - Various shots of Rawlings surrounded by guards and walking to a rally and greeting supporters
00:03:28 - Rawlings interview (English)
"no matter how painful situations are, so long as our people know that you're not sitting up there in some clouds, cut away from them, from the pains in their existence, they'll be too prepared to put up with any kind of sacrifice, any, any kind of pain, yes, and this is the only piece of advise i offer to some of our colleagues and friend, one of we meet and they ask how did you make it, how did you do it and things like that."
00:03:01 Rawlings stands in military uniform surrounded by people in suits and all have their hands clasped in silence
00:04:07 - Rawlings soundbite (English)
"many parts of our Africa have been fighting ethnic wars but this is Ghana you know, in Ghana the love of education, the experiences we've been through, their inter-marriage, their crossfertilisation of our cultures, has virtually almost created a nation-state, a nation of the various ethnic groups in this country, if we remain ignorant, we will continue to be poor.”
00:04:38 - Various shots of Rawlings walking on a dusty path surrounded by a large group of followers
00:05:46 - Close up of Rawlings saluting
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