The Carpet Sellers

Haggling over carpets in Turkey's markets.

The Carpet Sellers Selling carpets can be a tough gig, but there are a few sellers who have it down to a tee. Dogan Bulut is a trained linguist, with 60,000 carpets to sell and one very simple pitch, based on nationality. Italians want half-price, French want you to speak their language, Germans care most about the quality and Australians are the hardest to sell to. An insightful examination of the motivations and beliefs of Turkey's carpet sellers.

Produced by ABC Austalia
36.27 - Carpet stalls
37.06 - Close up of carpet
38.49 - Desert
38.58 - Sand dunes
41.19 - Boy making carpet
41.45 - Girl making carpet
42.13 - Turkish landscape
42.20 - Camera panning waving carpet

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