Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Iraqi Exodus (2003) | Footage

Between Iraq and a Hard Place A story looking at the exodus of Iraqis across the border to Jordan upon the imminent start of Gulf War II.

10.00.00 Refugee camp at Ruweished
01.38 - Iraqi checkpoint
01.51 - missile launchers
02.01 - Press conference with Ali Abu Alraghed, Jordanian Prime Minister
02.16 - Amman
02.26 - violent protests against Iraq war in Amman, US flag burned; police use water cannon to control crowd. Vox pops
04.15 - Iraqi refugees watch Saddam on tv in Amman; smoke nargils (hookahs, Shishas, water pipes)
05.30 - Hyatt Hotel
06.02 - rusting oil trucks

Produced by ORF Fernsehprogramm-Service GmbH & Co KG

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