The Cod Crusaders

Anger as cod catch cut for Scottish fishermen

The Cod Crusaders The EU's decision to slash fishing quotas by 50% has left many Scottish fishermen facing ruin. But now they're fighting back.
For hundreds of years, Scottish fishermen have sailed out into the North Sea in search of cod. Communities have developed around this industry and over half the jobs in towns like Fraserburgh are directly reliant on fishing. However, fish stocks are rapidly depleting and, in an effort to conserve cod, a series of stringent measures have been introduced. "They've cut our quotas and our fleets and they haven't cut the foreign fleets of France and Denmark to the same comparison," seethes one fisherman. A campaign has been mounted to publicise their plight, led by fishermen's wives. The people here are used to enduring and remain grimly determined to ride this storm out.

Produced by ABC Australia

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