Gypsies v. Middle England

Gypsies v. Middle England Middle England is in revolt. After years of growing enmity, it's taking on the gypsies blamed for destroying villages life.
Two years ago, the peaceful village life of Cottenham was shattered by the arrival of 800 travellers. "They proceeded to turn this village into their own private playground," complains local Terry Brownhill. The residents want the travellers evicted but there's nowhere they can go. A shortfall in legal campsites in England means that one in three gypsies now lives on an illegal site. "What angers the settled community is that there's one law for us and one law for the travellers," explains Brownhill. Exploiting these frustrations, the Conservative Party made the gypsies a major election issue. It continues to be a highly political question. With more calls for forcible evictions, Britain's reputation for tolerance is being called into question. (ABC Aus)

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