Luchun The County of Hani People

Luchun The County of Hani People Film looking at the colourful way of life of the Hani People of Luchun, Yunnan Province, China. Including scenic shots of valleys around Luchun, local agriculture, traditional dancing, preparation of food, a wedding and other local rituals.
03:57 - Beautiful shot of paddy fields
04:09 - Women making cotton in traditional style
05:20 - Women making traditional garments
05:47 - Lush valley
06: 21 - Men driving ox in fields
06: 32 - Gathering rice from paddy field
06:37 - Girls in traditional costume picking crops
09:58 - Rainbow over valley
12: 29 - Men prepare food
15: 48 - Market place
20: 30 - Traditional dancing
21: 01 - Gathering rice
21: 54 - Women cooking
22:03 - Getting ready for a wedding / Wedding rituals
37:37 - Women prepare bread
40: 15 - Paddy field at dusk
46:33 - Traditional dancing
50: 14 - Beautiful sunset over paddy field

Alessandro de Toni

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