The Hunt for Elektron

The Hunt for Elektron When Norwegian officers boarded a Russian trawler, the last thing they expected was to be abducted. But for 5 days, they were held prisoner while the navy chased the ship.
"We closed all the hatches and prepared for war", states Valery Jarantsev, captain of the Russian trawler, Elektron. When two Norwegian officials caught his ship illegally fishing, he defied their orders to return to port. Instead, he abducted the Norwegian officials and made a mad dash for Russia. "He was quite determined. He didn't show any signs of surrendering", recalls abducted officer Henning Thune. Another Russian trawler came to Elektron's aid, preventing it being intercepted by the coast guard and the ship entered Russian waters. But Jarantsev is now being prosecuted by his own government, after they reached a deal with Norway. He faces up to seven years in prison.

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