Elvira's Sanctuary

Elvira's Sanctuary Elvira Arellano became the face of America's immigration reform movement when she holed herself up in a church to claim sanctuary. Now, more and more 'illegals' are starting to call for basic rights.
Until last summer, Elvira Arellano was just another of the faceless 12 million illegal workers in America. "We do the jobs Americans don't want for little money." Then they tried to deport her. Her son, Saulito, was born in America so automatically qualifies for citizenship. "If I'm deported, he'll also be deported against his will." Arguing this would be a violation of his constitutional rights, she sought sanctuary at their local church. Her case has highlighted the plight of illegal workers. As lecturer Jose Lopez explains; "Every undocumented person has no protection. They're like slaves."

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