Mozambique Poo Tour
Water and sanitation are some of the biggest challenges facing the developing world. Yet they continue to be low on the political agenda. Neighbours star Mark Little sets out on a quest for answers.
In the remote village of Muita, Mozambican music heroes, Massukos, are holding a concert. They're on a nationwide 'Wash your Hands" tour, backed by water charity Estamos, to spread the word of peace, love and clean hands.
"Lots and lots of children are dying from bad sanitation", states WaterAid spokeswoman, Rosaria. Only one in five of the rural population has access to a toilet. But in villages like Muita, ecosan toilets - which turn human waste into compost - have had an amazing result. "Not only are they providing health for the village, but they're producing a product you can use", explains Mark.
As well as installing ecosan toilets, charities like WaterAid are providing pumps for villages. "Previously, children would spend hours each day helping their mothers collect water so there's often no time left for education", explains Mark Little. "Water and sanitation can reverse all these trends and enable children to go to school more often."
All over Mozambique, there is a sense of optimism. Direct community action can and does work. But beneath the surface the sense of despair is always tangible. Many are trapped in a self-perpetuating vicious cycle of poverty. Breaking this cycle requires commitment on a global scale