Tamil Tigers - Out of Control?

Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers Leave a Trail of Destruction

Tamil Tigers - Out of Control? Tamil Tigers: Out of Control?: With the ceasefire broken in Sri Lanka, Martin Adler looks at the changing nature of the Tamil Tigers. With reporting from both sides, we see the changing face of Tamil Tigers, once considered an army with moral right on their side, now increasingly totalitarian and power hungry. The report includes rare pictures from the war-torn east of the country.
12.37.19 Children play in sunset, corn roasting, Colombo GVs.
12.38.45 Colombo street scenes.
12.39.06 Buddhist temple, prayers
12.39.44 Waves, palm trees.
12.40.11 Government troops, roadblocks, close-ups of soldiers.
12.41.04 Jesuit School, Batticoloa
12.42.31 Baticoloa hospital, children injured by petrol bombs.
12.43.00 child with leg suspended in plaster.
12.44.10 line of women carrying wood, rice picking.
12.33.35 Tamil Tigers with AK 47s.
12.45.15 Soldier showing Prussic Acid capsule
12.45.54 Interview with Tamil Tiger leader.
12.47.00 beautiful sunset with palm trees

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