Nature Tech: The Magic Of Motion
taking hints, extracting principles and applying winning designs of evolution in a new, human context. Visually, this series is an attractive, fast-paced mix of stunning natural history shots, computer-assisted design and CGI graphics of futuristic inventions, ultra-modern, spacey architecture and high tech as well as scenes of the world's leading designers and engineers at work.
"The Magic of Motion" covers Nature's winning high speed, long range and all-terrain motion designs such as Germany's recent tuna-fish sonic jet.
00.00.00-00.02.30- Nature Tech title/teaser (includes shots of everything that appears later on in the series)
00.02.30-00.04.00- Magic of Motion title/teaser
00.04.0 Plane taking off
00.04.02 Cars speeding
00.04.12 GPS in a car on a busy street
00.04.30 Swans flapping along a river
00.04.41 Old man in medieval sort of costume (meant to be Da Vinci) doing work by candlelight
00.05.05 Pigeon in slow motion flight
00.05.45 3-D animation of how air moves around a bird's wing
00.06.19 Peregrine falcon intercut with pigeon
00.06.51 German thinker in gliding device
00.07.22 Still of Wright brothers and their plane, plane flying erratically
00.07.50 Goshawk dives from a wire, slow motion flight through some pipes
00.08.49 Turkey vultures in a tree with wings outspread, turkey vultures gliding over fields
00.10.01 Virgin Atlantic plane soaring, intercut with pigeon on airway
00.10.55 Slow motion footage of barn owl flying
00.12.02 Computer generated animation and model animation of bird-inspired aircraft
00.13.25 Goshawk taking off from a branch
00.14.30 FSU students flying their model planes
00.14.51 Large fan in wind tunnel, with wing of stork on other end
00.15.14 Turkey vulture gliding
00.16.07 Scientists' model of "winglets"
00.16.23 Plastic plane model with "looped" wings
00.17.19 Vegetables in a kitchen, a housefly buzzes around them
00.17.51 Slow motion flight of fly
00.18.29 Flight of fly being studied in laboratory
00.19.01 Model of fruit fly submerged in oil, demonstrates motion of air around fly
00.19.51 Extreme slow motion of fly in front of vegetables, in great detail
00.20.09 Dragonfly flapping from a branch
00.20.33 Mechanical model of dragonfly at Dutch university
00.21.32 Slow motion footage of dragonfly in mid-flight/hover
00.22.13 King or emperor penguins swimming underwater and landing on an icy shore
00.22.38 Grey nurse shark chasing after fish
00.22.58 Microscopic footage of sharkskin
00.23.24 Swimmer splashing through pool
00.24.35 Underside of shark
00.24.44 Boxfish, being studied in laboratory environment, animation of car resembling the boxfish
00.25.38 Bicycler pedalling through field
00.25.59 Roach, probably the German cockroach, crawling across cabbage and carrots
00.26.24 Stick insect crawling across two plates
00.27.10 Spectrograph of stick insect leg sensors
00.27.30 Robot built to mimic a stick insect
00.28.15 Slow motion of German cockroach running across cheese grater
00.28.43 Study of Death's head roach speeds in lab at UC Berkeley
00.29.13 Ultra slow motion of roach on treadmill
00.29.50 "sprawlita," robot roach on treadmill, and iSprawl, running along university buildings
00.30.54 Ghost crab emerging out of sand hole, running along beach
00.31.17 Ghost crab being studied in lab
00.32.24 Woman walking with dog in garden
00.32.38 Close-up of millipede
00.32.29 Stone centipede on branch
00.33.54 Segmented robot at Penn State laboratory
00.35.50 Roach climbing a wall
00.36.01 Robot roach climbing a wall
00.37.01 Fly climbing on glass, followed by microscopic analysis of its legs
00.37.56 American green tree frog on similar glass surface
00.38.44 Microscopic detail of frog's toes
00.39.33 Leopard gecko clinging to a wall
00.40.10 Microscopic detail of gecko's feet
00.42.24 Robot gecko, mimicking action of real gecko
00.43.01 Caribou walking across the tundra
00.44.54 Gymnast walking on balance beam
00.45.11 Asimo robot in Japan
00.47.48 Gymnast doing multiple backflips