The Wild and the West

The Wild and the West The world of western movies is a peculiar place; roaming heroes, towering cacti, big skies and cinemascope wildlife. This documentary is an epic showdown in HD; legends of the wild west against Americas true wilderness.

Some of the wildest and most impressive sceneries of the North American continent have been immortalised in famous Western movies. And some of the heroes and villains have been wild animals; the lone wolf, the howling coyote, the foreboding vulture, the deadly rattler, all staged in a natural world much bigger than life. The Wild and the West is a tongue-in -cheek exploration into the glory and the realities of the Wild West.
00.00.03 Man on horse, Joe Deming, imitating Clint Eastwood from the Dollars trilogy/The Good the Bad and the Ugly

00.00.55 Title cards, western font

00.01.25 Joe rides horse on sunset past some quite striking American monoliths

00.02.38 Horse walks past sand dunes, possibly Death Valley

00.02.01 Footage from old westerns, usually cowboys storming some Indians

00.02.17 Overhead shot of rushing river, possibly the Colorado, in a deep gorge

00.02.21 Clip of blonde 50s starlet on raft

00.02.35 Tight shot on rattlesnake, possibly a Western diamondback

00.03.55 Footage of John Ford and John Wayne on the set

00.04.28 Turkey vulture perched on tree root

00.05.20 Dehydrated man staggering along some sand dunes, turkey vultures soaring overhead

00.06.17 Close-up of the turkey vulture

00.06.43 Raven picking at dead meat

00.07.18 Pan of sand dunes

00.07.45 Horse and rider walking towards bleached human skeleton

00.08.05 The West in bloom during springtime

00.08.45 Squirrel reaching up to flower

00.08.59 River running through desert, with fish, shots of cacti and scrub (the creosote)

00.10.22 Joe huddling by campfire at night

00.10.59 Barn owl screeching

00.11.19 Coyote running through the dark

00.12.58 Joe spies on a 'singing cowboy' singing a country song, clips of old singing cowboys from old Westerns

00.14.13 Clips of women in Westerns

00.15.59 Scorpions dropping out of boot

00.16.29 Bark scorpion crawling down a sand hill

00.17.11 Pan of different types of cactuses, mostly saguaros

00.18.29 Prop man carrying off paper cutout of cactus

00.19.06 Aerial shots of Monument Valley

00.20.15 Clips of Monument Valley in cinema, mostly featuring John Wayne

00.21.13 Navajo hogans, and sheep

00.22.06 Actors in cavalry uniform throwing dirt on themselves, each other

00.22.59 Cavalrymen leading their horses along a path

00.24.43 Herd of horses trotting together

00.25.15 Mustangs playing

00.26.50 Joe entering ghost town

00.27.30 Tumbleweeds blow through town

00.28.01 Close up of live tumbleweed

00.29.15 Joe enters busy saloon

00.29.46 Flies on a deck of cards, flies buzzing around

00.31.05 Men trying, and repeatedly failing, to mount their horses

00.33.04 Horses being mounted, rearing, and falling over

00.33.49 Man painting horse

00.34.16 Clips of cattle in Western films

00.34.55 Man branding longhorn steer, herd watches

00.35.40 The Rio Grande turkey, running in small flocks

00.37.10 Sun setting, turkeys roosting in trees

00.37.42 Horned lizard perched on rock

00.38.39 Horned lizard shooting blood from its eye

00.39.32 Prairie owl emerging out of hole, running across desert, attacking prairie dog

00.41.20 Clip from The Searchers

00.41.30 Buffalo

00.42.08 Overhead shot of buffalo running away from camera

00.43.02 Wolves

00.43.27 Grizzly bear

00.43.56 Armadillo

00.44.09 Prairie chickens fighting each other

00.44.49 Pronghorns in the prairie

00.46.15 Joe catching trout with his bare hands

00.46.53 Cavalrymen fording a river

00.48.00 Overhead shots of the Colorado river

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