War Criminals
Serbia's shameful protection of war criminal Simo Drljaca
Omarska survivors confirm the atrocities of Drljaca and his troops. Local judge, Adil Draganovic, who knew Drljaca and was imprisoned at Omarska, tells of Drljaca's role in the killings. ".. as the head of the police he was responsible for the liquidation of thousands of people from Prijedor." While tracking down Simo Drljaca and Dr Milan Kovacevic, the film crew is questioned by Serbian State Security, then detained by Serb police for secretly filming in Kozarecs, near Prijedor. Former Prijedor residents, who live in Germany, admit they are afraid to return while war criminals are still free. Mustafa Saban's family was 'ethnically cleansed' from Prijedor. After an emotional reunion with son Refik, Mustafa vows never to return home. In Sanski Most, pathologists identify bodies exhumed from mass graves. At a memorial service tearful families honour those killed. The Serb authorities' obstruction of the crew's investigations forms the backdrop to the report.
Produced by ABC Australia