The Behaviour Business
Can learning difficulties or behavioural problems like dyslexia and ADHD be cured? Wynford Dore, founder of the controversial Dore Programme, claims he's developed a drugs-free way of rewiring young brains.
controversial Dore Programme, claims he's developed a drugs-free way of rewiring young brains. For thousands of dollars, children are enrolled on the programme, which involves tossing beanbags and threading beads. But is there any scientific evidence for Dore's extraordinary claims?
"What the Dore programme has achieved for Harry is a miracle", raves mother Sally Gulson. The Gulson's experience is one of a number of anecdotal success stories offered up by the Dore Program - a self-styled breakthrough therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It justifies its high price tax with claims of an 80 - 90% succes rate.
But among eminent medical specialists, there's grave concern about the extravagance of Dore's claims. As Prof Maggie Snowling states: "Parents are being charged large sums of money to opt into a treatment which I think there's no scientific evidence for".