Atomic Wounds
At 89, Doctor Hida, a survivor of the 1945 atomic bomb at Hiroshima, continues to care for some of the other quarter of a million survivors. "Atomic Wounds" retraces the journey of this charismatic and committed man and draws attention to the lessons that still need to be learned 60 years after Hiroshima and 20 years after Chernobyl.
Using rarely seen archival footage, "Atomic wounds" shows the existence of ABCC, a laboratory that was set up in 1946 by American scientists on the spot of the disaster, to study the effects of the bomb on thousands of survivors.
Dr Hida then travels to the United Nations in order to have the real medical consequences of the bomb officially recognized, as they had been denied by both the American and Japanese governments.
The film shows how the terrible danger of radiation was minimized by successive mid-century American administrations so that nuclear power be freely developed, with no concern for public health.