The Day The Schools Fell Down

The Day The Schools Fell Down On May 12th an earthquake shook the Sichuan Province. Hundreds of schools collapsed, killing thousands of pupils. Parents are asking why did the schools fall when other buildings withstood the quake?
In less than a minute Juyuan junior school collapsed, killing hundreds of teenagers. Zhao didn't realise that her daughter could be in danger. "I saw that buildings hadn't collapsed here so we thought the school would be fine". Sadly she was wrong. "Her body was stiff when we dug her out." The authorities don't want reporters asking if the school was badly built, yet this is what the parents want to know. Nearly 300 families lodged a legal case against the Principal, saying, "They didn't supervise the quality of the school's construction." But the local judge refused it for lack of evidence. Some parents have been offered compensation but they say they don't want money they want justice.

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