Moscow's Tycoon School
Preparing for Russia's commercial future
Russia''s move into the capitalist system has not been without birth pains. Traditional Soviet lethargy, corruption, and the mafia have all combined to make Russia a difficult place to do business.
It''s 6. 30 AM, 6ÂșC below zero, and a new day is beginning at Moscow's school for tycoons. For their morning wash prospective billionaires line up in the snow and throw freezing water at each other. As schools go this is about as tough as it gets... but the boys are learning survival skills for one of the toughest business environments in the world. To be called a businessman in Moscow is still mostly an insult implying Mafiosi links. Russian multimillionaire Vladimir Dovgan is determined to clean up Russia''s business scene and has started the elite business school hoping it will encourage Russians to do business in a more ethical manner. And it''s not restricted to potential businessmen. One of his students has his eye on the leadership of neighbouring Kazakhstan and believes that business prowess is now the only way forward politically, as well as financially. Dovgan puts $2 million a year into the school and is its icon and hero. But the fact that even Dovgan arrives to give lectures surrounded by a hoard of tough bodyguards can''t be lost on his eager students.
Produced by ABC Australia