Left to Die
In a hospital near Harare, corpses of those killed by cholera are piled up in the morgue, unwrapped. The cholera epidemic remains critical. The current UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Zimbabwe could have helped but there is clear indication that he's been more worried about his relationship with Zanu-PF and downplayed the crisis. 'He risked the lives of millions of people I have no doubt about that,' says a former prominent UN worker. 'We could have planned it better, earlier. We knew that it could happen. Cholera is not a disease that kills so many people.' 'We have one toilet for 150 people,' Frank points at raw sewage dripping from the ceiling into the communal toilets, which are also the only source of water for his building. 'My sister-in-law, my sister, her son and my brother-in-law all died from cholera'. Cholera is easily preventable but lethal: 'you can die within a matter of two to three hours', a doctor explains. Since 2005, water treatment has been non-existent. The negligence on the part of the Mugabe-controlled water authorities is shocking. 'They could have bought chemicals in South Africa and treated the water. Instead, they stopped it.'