Betting On The Future

Inside Thailand's curious gambling boom

Betting On The Future Divine inspiration and the World Cup are just two of the factors inspiring the Thai people to bet billions of hard-earned dollars, despite the recent economic crash.
A vast audience gather around a giant screen. They may not have a team but emotions are tense nonetheless as precious dollars ride on each game. The police are vowing to crack down but the gambling frenzy is out of control as Thais are betting bigger than ever in the hope of a quick way out of tight times. The search for luck is growing ever more ridiculous. Hundreds gather at the statue of a dead singer who, legend has it, died cursing bookmakers for destroying her gambling mothers' life. In revenge she vowed to destroy them by giving out winning lottery numbers from beyond. Now the much loved singing idol has become a saint in a cult of instant wealth. Buddhist monks at a local temple cash in on the frenzy. The faithful search for lucky numbers in wax droplets, monks insisting that the suspended candles make for instant divination. An ancient tree is rubbed in the hope it too can yield the winning numbers. It seems nothing can escape being turned into a source of good luck for a good bet.

Produced by ABC Australia

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