The Good Soldier
The Emmy Award-winning documentary!

"Starkly eloquent" - NEW YORK TIMES
"It's hard to imagine watching a more affecting movie than The Good Soldier..." - THE ONION
Along with the multi award-winning 'Riding the Rails', highlights of Lexy's work include the NOVA Science Series 'Sail Wars', independent productions such as 'JB Jackson: Figure in a Landscape', 'An Armenian Journey', 'The Good Fight', and 'Confessions of a Suburban Girl'. More recently, after taking time to be with their twin boys, Lovell has directed a series of short documentaries on womens careers for Lifetime. Lovell graduated cum laude from Yale University with a B.A. in History.
In addition to 'Riding the Rails', Michael Uys (pronounced "ace") has also produced and directed several films including 'Pete Seeger and Billy Bragg: Songs of Protest and Empire', which won Best of the Festival at Banff, Best Humor Award at the Telluride Festival of Mountain Films, the Silver Edelweiss Award (Torello, Spain), and Jury Awards at the New York Expo and the Aspen FilmFest. Uys brings his documentary sensibility to much of his work in commercials and television.
"We're attempting a visual mosaic here," Uys says. "The danger with a film like ours is that you can confuse the audience as to what war they're in and what war they're talking about. That's where I think the archival footage really helps, because it makes it abundantly clear as to where you are."