Circulation Controlled Convertiplane
documenting research into use of vertical thrust and helo-style rotars on conventional passenger aircraft
Start T/C End T/C Shot Description
10:00:00 10:00:46 Model of jet aircraft mounted on table, fitted with helo-style rotar on top, flies round in a circle, man watches and controls it.
10:00:46 10:01:00 grassy field, sunny day, young lad chews on stem of tall grass, old fashioned graphics attempting to depict stars in outspace
10:01:00 10:01:08 Frank Whittle and his jet engine
10:01:09 10:01:24 test pilot getting into cockpit of E28/39, c/u of controls, plane takes off, flies past at low level
10:01:25 10:01:56 various jet aircraft in flight including military and civil planes, and tailless aircraft (possibly DH108), air display footage
10:01:56 10:02:13 c/u blades of gas turbine engine, machine shop and works at NGTE
10:02:13 10:02:25 View down runway from pilot POV (large spec of dirt on screen)
10:02:25 10:02:37 woman tending flowers in windowbox, she reacts negatively to noise of plane flying overhead, V-bomber (Vulcan?) taking off, she closes window against the noise
10:02:37 10:03:08 BEA Sikorsky S61N helicopter lifts off and hovers in the air
10:03:08 10:03:46 range of small gas turbine engines for powering helicopters on display in exhibition
10:03:46 10:04:04 vectored thrust capability built into P1127 (development version of Harrier), demonstrates vertical take off
10:04:04 10:04:37 laboratory experiments using model of P1127
10:04:37 10:04:57 development Harrier XP972 carrying out flight maneauvers
10:04:57 10:05:02 exterior buildings at National Gas Turbine Establishment
10:05:02 10:06:17 engineers in laboratory examining cylinder, component part of lifting device, demonstrates air circulation
10:06:17 10:06:27 Royal Navy helicopter takes off and hovers
10:06:27 10:06:34 passenger jet flying past
10:06:34 10:07:48 convertiplane model, man fits helo rotor to top of conventional passenger plane, demonstrates effects of lift, then fits with circulation control rotor blade
10:07:48 10:08:41 scale model of control rotor being demonstrated at NGTE for research testing, graphics explain how it works, c/u rotor hub
10:08:41 10:09:22 testing the control rotor in the 24ft. Windtunnel @ RAE, basic graphics
10:09:22 10:09:32 c/u hand on controls, aircraft model
10:09:32 10:09:49 tests in 24 ft. windtunnel
10:09:49 10:12:34 rotor hub, rotor test device on vehicle carrying it along runway at speed, animated diagram, description of test vehicle & thrust function, drives down runway
10:12:34 10:13:40 test model of passenger aircraft fitted with 2 rotors on top, model in simulated flight, people looking up into the sky
10:13:40 10:14:03 passengers disembark from aircraft, greeting people on the tarmac
10:14:04 10:14:35 photo of Frank Whittle, spinning globe, model of convertiplane
10:00:00 10:00:46 Model of jet aircraft mounted on table, fitted with helo-style rotar on top, flies round in a circle, man watches and controls it.
10:00:46 10:01:00 grassy field, sunny day, young lad chews on stem of tall grass, old fashioned graphics attempting to depict stars in outspace
10:01:00 10:01:08 Frank Whittle and his jet engine
10:01:09 10:01:24 test pilot getting into cockpit of E28/39, c/u of controls, plane takes off, flies past at low level
10:01:25 10:01:56 various jet aircraft in flight including military and civil planes, and tailless aircraft (possibly DH108), air display footage
10:01:56 10:02:13 c/u blades of gas turbine engine, machine shop and works at NGTE
10:02:13 10:02:25 View down runway from pilot POV (large spec of dirt on screen)
10:02:25 10:02:37 woman tending flowers in windowbox, she reacts negatively to noise of plane flying overhead, V-bomber (Vulcan?) taking off, she closes window against the noise
10:02:37 10:03:08 BEA Sikorsky S61N helicopter lifts off and hovers in the air
10:03:08 10:03:46 range of small gas turbine engines for powering helicopters on display in exhibition
10:03:46 10:04:04 vectored thrust capability built into P1127 (development version of Harrier), demonstrates vertical take off
10:04:04 10:04:37 laboratory experiments using model of P1127
10:04:37 10:04:57 development Harrier XP972 carrying out flight maneauvers
10:04:57 10:05:02 exterior buildings at National Gas Turbine Establishment
10:05:02 10:06:17 engineers in laboratory examining cylinder, component part of lifting device, demonstrates air circulation
10:06:17 10:06:27 Royal Navy helicopter takes off and hovers
10:06:27 10:06:34 passenger jet flying past
10:06:34 10:07:48 convertiplane model, man fits helo rotor to top of conventional passenger plane, demonstrates effects of lift, then fits with circulation control rotor blade
10:07:48 10:08:41 scale model of control rotor being demonstrated at NGTE for research testing, graphics explain how it works, c/u rotor hub
10:08:41 10:09:22 testing the control rotor in the 24ft. Windtunnel @ RAE, basic graphics
10:09:22 10:09:32 c/u hand on controls, aircraft model
10:09:32 10:09:49 tests in 24 ft. windtunnel
10:09:49 10:12:34 rotor hub, rotor test device on vehicle carrying it along runway at speed, animated diagram, description of test vehicle & thrust function, drives down runway
10:12:34 10:13:40 test model of passenger aircraft fitted with 2 rotors on top, model in simulated flight, people looking up into the sky
10:13:40 10:14:03 passengers disembark from aircraft, greeting people on the tarmac
10:14:04 10:14:35 photo of Frank Whittle, spinning globe, model of convertiplane