WW2 Archive
00:01:00 - 00:01:02 Caption: "The agreement between the governments of the USSR and Great Britain on joint action in the war against Germany."
00:01:12 - 00:02:42: Stalin, Molotov & Cripss sign agreement while various dignitaries are gathered to witness it.
00:02:56 - 00:03:44: Stalin, Molotov and Cripps talking with each other and various other people gathered in the room for the signing. The document is sealed with wax.
00:05:03 - 00:05:05: Caption: LENINGRAD
00:05:05 - 00:05:35: Streets of Leningrad, houses and buildings that have been bombed by the Germans including hospital, rubble and wreckage, smoke rising.
00:05:44 - 00:06:02: People digging through wreckage, dead bodies, rescuers carrying bodies away on stretchers.
00:06:18 - 00:06:40: Wreckage of bombed buildings, dead bodies being carried out on stretchers.
00:06:41 - 00:07:01: Exterior and interior shots of bombed school, bodies of dead children in the wreckage
00:07:03 - 00:07:23: Library destroyed by bomb, books falling out of window, flames & smoke, firemen fighting the fire, interior shot of library, pile of books
00:07:24 - 00:08:33: Wreckage of the above named buildings and artwork, statues, etc.
00:08:34 - 00:09:00: Paris, aerial view of city, centre of Paris, men pushing a cannon through the streets. Parisians rebuilding the pavements, dumping a cartload of bricks, people looking out windows, street below.
00:09:01 - 00:09:28: American tank driving through streets, gunfire, German tanks, truck blown up, firing guns out of windows.
00:09:28 - 00:10:21: Crowd with German flag. Eiffel Tower, tanks driving underneath it, gunfire, citizens taking cover, soldiers in the streets firing guns, tanks. Man walks out carrying white cloth in surrender.
00:10:22 - 00:11:47: Tank driving through street, crowds cheering as Paris is liberated, people celebrating, women kissing soldiers, crowds in the streets, snipers in the Cathedral belfry, singing and rejoicing.
00:11:48 - 00:12:23: Moscow, Stalin addressing the troops.
00:12:23 - 00:12:26: Poster with caption "We won't give up Moscow" PRAVDA (national newspaper)
00:12:26 - 00:12:39: Troops marching through the streets, rows of tanks driving off to war
00:12:37 - 00:12:39: Poster with caption "BE A HERO"
00:12:39 - 00:12:52: Cannons firing, tanks, aircraft flying in formation overhead, bombs dropping and exploding on the ground below, troops on horseback riding through the snow, men surrendering, barrel of huge cannon pointing at the camera.
00:13:23 - 00:14:13: Germans trudging along road, battle wreckage, tanks and armoured trucks, rows of soldiers, carrying flag on horseback, gun carriages rolling along, fire and smoke pouring out above buildings along shore.
00:14:13 - 00:14:31: Map, left to right: Kiev, Gomel, Leningrad, Moscow, Arzamas, Kuibyshev, Stalingrad.
00:14:33 - 00:15:57: Group of men including Russian military officers and Molotov walking in residential area, some evidence of wreckage around them.
00:15:57 - 00:17:44: Berlin, Brandenburg Gate, motorcade of dignitaries driving through streets of the city, wreckage of bombed buildings, rubble.
00:17:44 - 00:18:37: German Luftwaffe dropping bombs, ground troops, war raging, civilian casualties women & children, tanks, homes on fire, Hitler.
00:18:37 - 00:19:58: Aerial view of New York, streets of NYC, Russia, Stalin, tanks, armoured trucks, German troops marching, Luftwaffe, warfare, tank on fire, dead bodies, gunfire, bombs exploding.
00:19:59 - 0:20:25 : Air battle, bombs dropping, submarines, sighting enemy ship through periscope.
00:20:26 - 00:21:11: Aerial view of Leningrad, streets of Leningrad, battle, bomb wreckage, burning buildings, tanks, digging trenches, snipers.
00:21:12 - 00:21:35: Leningrad in Winter, armoured trucks driving through snow.
00:21:37 - 00:21:38: Caption: The Mediterranean
00:21:45 - 00:23:10: An enemy convoy is advances with reinforcements from the Italian and German army in Egypt. English submarines, destroyers and cruisers set off to meet the enemy convoy. Torpedo-bombers rise out of the English aircraft carriers. Americans bombers "flying fortresses" prepare to take off from the English coast and attack the enemy camps in occupied France.
00:23:53 - 00:24:59: St Nazaire (large German submarine base). German anti-aircraft guns start up. Air gunners engaged in battle with Messerschmit fighter planes. Large explosions near the harbour - bombs hit their target. The attack comes to an end. "The Flying Fortresses" return to base....defending the homeland from the German hordes of Wilhelm II, Hitler put on a capitulation ceremony. The French generals are paraded before the Fascist soldiers.