The Producers

Deborah Masters has been a director/producer at ABC Australia since October 1998. One of her first roles at ABC was producing the epic series 100 Years The Australian Story. A Good Death is her most recent production. Matthew Carney joined Four Corners at the beginning of 2005 after working at the ABC and SBS for the past 15 years as both a reporter and producer. For the past eight years Matthew has specialised in "one man band" filmmaking or video journalism, travelling alone to some of the most difficult and dangerous locations on earth. n his first year at Four Corners Matthew was a Walkley Award finalist in international journalism and was highly commended for his film "Out of Mind".
Making The Film

Its an unfortunate statistic that seven out of ten Australians die what might be called an expected death. Now a small group of doctors and nurses are warning that our obsession with curing illness is leaving patients unprepared for death. In A Good Death, Reporter Deborah Masters follows four brave Australians as they come to the end of their lives, and the people determined to give them a good death.