Titanic Arrogance
Titanic Centenary

Born in London in 1942 and educated at the City of London School, I have been involved in film making since student days. In the 1970s I worked on the BBC-TV productions Fall of Eagles and The Secret Army, supplying the locomotives and assisting in the staging of the railway scenes. In the early 1980s I became the manager of the British Railways, Southern Region Film Unit at Waterloo. During the next decade I made mostly training and technical information films for that industry. Later I became an independent producer and freelance cameraman and editor. Over the years I have worked in television news, drama and documentary production, including The Club for ITV Granada. I have made 318 films as an independent producer.
I have been interested in the Titanic since childhood, when my mother recounted the dramatic story (although she was only 2 years old at the time.. my father was 6). I first started work on the production that would eventually become Titanic Arrogance back in 1983. I was encouraged by my late friend, John van Riemsdijk, who was then Keeper of the Science Museum. Over the ensuing years I met many of the survivors and attended the 75th and 80th anniversary dinners in the USA. At that time I became friends with Ken Marchall and he provided much material and information, including some of his excellent paintings. Ken would subsequently become the principal technical adviser to James Cameron for the making of his epic film TITANIC. My mission in making Titanic Arrogance is to tell the plain truth of this dreadful tragedy stripped of its mythology and to re-establish the reputation of Captain Stanley Lord who was most cruelly maligned.