Divine Mission

Divine Mission The US elections may still be a year away, but the fight for the White House has already begun. Barack Obama's popularity is waning, but the ultra-conservative Tea Party remains firmly on the rise.
Her hair perfectly coiffed, dressed in a shining white suit Michele Bachmann raises her hands in the air like a Christian minister, "Washington DC is a money-eating machine, its time to dismantle it." Anti-Washington, anti-Gay, pro-life and fanatically Christian she is part of the Tea Party movement that may yet prove president Obama's biggest obstacle to re-election. She is here, on Straw Poll day, a traditional litmus test for prospective presidents, with a divine mission to take the presidency. To her supporters she represents everything they believe in, "She's got the same values I have". However, for her critics her extreme-right position is frightening. "She is a political extremist and a kook floating conspiracy theories". Her win here is just another sign of the Tea Party's serious political muscle.

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