The Stop and Go Back Man
"If they don't accept the way we live in Holland then they should go back." Drag queen April Summers says that Moroccan street gangs have made the streets of Amsterdam, a former gay paradise, unsafe. That's why he supports Geert Wilders. Now that Wilders is the kingmaker, the government also seems to be listening. New laws have been passed making it much harder for prospective immigrants. They must now speak Dutch and show they've hit a basic salary scale before they're allowed to join relatives already living there. There's a push to outlaw face coverings, and to stop the construction of mosques. Yet Wilders claims that his persecution of Islam is protecting freedom and traditional Dutch values, claiming it is Islam that is intolerant."I believe our culture is superior to the Islamic culture of inequality, intolerance and violence." Yet moderate Dutch Muslims feel frightened by the emotions Wilders is stirring up. Dutch author Abdelkader Benali, who is of Moroccan origin, says: "after Oslo they were repeating things he was saying in parliament. I got really scared because it was actually a call to war on people like me".