Toxic Trade
"Asbestos has become a dirty word in the West". However, in India, factory workers often operate in a fog of carcinogenic dust and their children play in "toxic playgrounds". Unsurprisingly, respiratory diseases plague those that grow up in the shadows of these factories. Although the Indian government is subsidising the use of asbestos in the building industry, they are not the main culprits in this morbid tale. The majority of asbestos is supplied by Canada, a country that refuses to use the product themselves. "It amounts to Canada being a purveyor of death around the world". Selling Asbestos is big business and the Canadians may be opening a new mine which will triple their profits. The human costs of this move will also be huge, bringing the morality of their actions into question: "it is such double standards", says environmental activist Madhumita Dutta.