Village Without Women
Extreme 'Lonely Hearts' Balkan style


Srdjan Sarenac
An award winning film director, screenwriter and producer with 9 years of experience in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Netherlands, France. Worked on short movies, documentaries, comedy shows, documentary series, and commercials. In 2003, he wrote and directed Poklon za Sanju (A Present For Sanja), which was selected for 10 international film festivals and broadcasted on national television. In 2004 he directed the documentary series How was made Bosnian Top lists of Surrealists, which had its premiere on a prime time show for New Years Eve 2004 and was the most watched documentary series in Bosnia in 2004. Srdjan started to develop his first feature, Spaseni (THE RESCUED) at the Binger Filmlab in Amsterdam for which he won «la Bourse dAide au Développement at 28th Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen Montpellier 2006. And it was chosen in sélection of 10 best scripts BERLIN TALENT PROJECT MARKET at Berlinale 2007.
Les Films Du Balibari
Estelle Robin You is a documentary film producer based in Nantes, on the atlantic coast of France. She is one of the three parners of Les Films du Balibari, a company established in 1998. Her recent productions include «18» by Frédérique Pollet Rouyer (Selection Vision du réel 2009) and Fleeting Memory (Cinéma du réel 2009). She is currently producing Balkan director Srdjan Sarenacs «Village Without Women», a French-Serbian-Croatian co-production. Before living in Nantes, Estelle graduated and worked in Ireland for 8 years from 1992 to 2000. In Dublin, she worked for 3 years with a fiction production company, Crimson Films. At Crimson, she held responsibilities as a production manager on video clips and drama productions. Today, Estelle is happily focusing on documentaries by highly committed and relentless filmmakers, willing to embark on unique filmic adventures.
Village Without Women is an artistic documentary production addressing ethnically mixed marriages in a region wrought with conflict and prejudices. We will visualize one example of this widespread quandary through the life of three young men faced with the decline of their rural village and the realization that their survival may depend on restoring amity with those considered the "enemy".