You take the High Road and I'll take the Low Road
"Think of Scotland as the wife who's been taken for granted", urges performer and independence campaigner, Alan Bissett. "But what's happened is that the husband (England) just says, 'You're fat, you're ugly, nobody would fancy you'". Like any long-term relationship, calling it quits isn't easy. Domestic affairs have become deeply tangled, and assumptions about who pays for what have evolved into complex equations. For the 'Better Together' campaign, warning of the likely repercussions of ignoring these complexities has earned them the unflattering label, 'Project Fear'. Scots have been told to expect higher taxes, currency transaction costs, and a weakened position in the international community. But for many here, dissatisfaction with Westminster politics runs deep. "I don't think it's a very healthy society in the way that it's developing", explains Shetland farmer Ronnie Eunson. At present, the polls are against him. But as the gap between the 'Yes' and 'No' lobbies steadily narrows, the conversation about Scotland's future, and that of the UK, is getting ever louder.