True Appaloosa
A quest for a secret horse through the wilds of Central Asia
Scott has come with Conor to Kyrgyzstan on a mission: to find Appaloosa horses, a rare breed she believes originated here. But even in Kyrgyzstan, Appaloosas are difficult to pin down. They discover that Soviet occupation has all but destroyed the indigenous horses like the one Scott had seen on TV. So their search takes her on a journey, first by car, and then horseback, far into the mountainous nation's rugged wilderness. Will the lost valleys of the Kyrgyz border region prove to be the last refuge of wild hordes of the coveted spotted horses?
Taking to the saddle for the first time in 12 years, the 69-year-old will brave below-zero temperatures and hungry wolves of Kyrgyz mountain ranges in order to settle the wrangling question of the Appaloosas' origin and prove other American horse breeders wrong. "For 40 years I've claimed they came from Asia, and for 40 years they've laughed at me", she says. Not anymore. LEARN MORE.