How can nature's own
breast milk be questioned? But
all too often it is. How would
the business of infant formula
be so big otherwise? Through
an intimate and artistic lens,
MILK brings a universal perspective to the commercialisation
and politics surrounding infant feeding. From the
judgement placed on women who bottle feed their
babies, to the stigma of breastfeeding in public. A
thought-provoking examination of the way we feed our
babies around the world.
How can nature's own breast milk be questioned? But all too often it is. How would the business of infant formula be so big otherwise?
"Bottles, formula, coupons, diapers... I don't know where they got my information from, I think from the hospital", comments one young mother as she sifts through all her 'free gifts'; gifts sent to her by baby food companies following the birth of her child. These gifts expose a disturbing alliance between governments and the medical professionals entrusted with our children's welfare and the corporations who manufacture our baby food.
It is a global industry worth $58 billion a year, driven by economic, rather than medical, intentions. As New York representative Congresswoman Carol Maloney argues,
"There is an economic incentive to discourage women from breastfeeding... it's a huge industry."
"We say and do and talk about things that are not evidence based... and in the end we destroy mothers and their breastfeeding - we undermine them. We disempower them", explains one expert. Mothers across the globe are lured onto milk substitutes without adequate education or support; misled by aggressive marketing.
"If we look at the statistics, there are still over a million deaths related to not breastfeeding globally every year. In any other context, if that many children died, then we would be outraged."
From the presence of milk donations in emergency situations, to the strong marketing tactics of formula companies, to new mothers battling to get the appropriate support from health workers, government and employers, this documentary examines and spotlights the vital role that breastfeeding and education about infant nutrition can play in reducing the staggering rate of global infant mortality. Milk lauds the universal beauty of childbirth whilst exposing the distressing vested interests of the global industry.
Official Selection - HotDocs Film Festival 2015
"Toronto-based filmmaker Noemi Weis has thrown down the gauntlet in the battle of the breast" - Justin Skinner, Toronto Star
"Stuffed with inspiring footage" - The Globe and Mail
"With warmth and sensitivity, Milk explores breastfeeding around the world in a powerful piece of poetry to tell an important message." - Scene Creek
Noemi Weis