In Light Of The Revolution
A film about women and art in Cairo

Danish Doc Production is a Danish production company that aims to develop, finance and produce documentaries. Their films often deal with social, humanitarian and anthropological topics. The company was started in 2003 and owned by the director, cinematographer and producer Anja Dalhoff, who has over 20 years experience in producing documentaries, including development, instruction, finance, production and co-production both nationally and internationally.
Like many others we followed the Arab Spring in Egypt 2011. But we didnt hear much about the Egyptian women. We felt inspired by the optimism in Tahrir Square and decided to find out how the situation was like if you asked the women. We wanted to tell the story from Egypt by looking at the art of female artists. To meet the women artists at the time where their world became political has been a great inspiration. We were astonished meet to their open mind. We followed the womens excitement about the first so called free election, their anger during the leadership of The Muslim Brotherhood. We followed their hope when the military overthrow the Muslim government and we saw how disappointed the women became when they had to change back and keep low profile. But over and over again they have assured that the changes of peoples mind will never go away although it right now is a tough period. The women are aware that you do not get democracy and freedom of speech over a fortnight. Thanks to the women in the film we gain insight into a present-day compound Cairo and the daily battles women must fight.