The Producers

Cinta Forger and Walther Grotenhuis have been working for almost 40 years as documentary makers for Dutch Public TV. It is their ambition to get to know extraordinary worlds and introducing these to the public. They filmed in all continents and their work has been selected for dozens of festivals. And were awarded a Golden Panda in China, nominated for the Golden Rose and IDFA, and their work was shown in more than 50 countries.
Making The Film

It is said that those who do not remember their past are doomed to repeat it. Viggo's life story raises questions on how possible it is to genuinely leave the shadows of the past behind.
Recent investigations suggest that 1 in 3 children in Holland has been the subject of sexual abuse. When we met Viggo he was in the process of recollecting his youth and criminal adult life. As a child he was abused, and in his turn has inflicted the same on others. He has decided to break the shackles of his past and to forge a new future. But how detrimental is Viggo's upbringing to this aspiration? Is it possible for him to have a fresh start?
Viggo is, in our opinion, someone that deserves respect; he does not resign himself to being moulded by the past. Now at fifty-five years of age, he is determined to find a different path. Whether he succeeds or not does not matter; the attempt itself commands respect.
One of Viggo's demons – his father – happened to be a talented amateur film maker, and left the family films and tapes reflecting his ideal of a family. This, and Viggo's amazing story, inspired us to film his journey and his fight against the ghosts from the past.