India's Miracle Babies
How old is too old to start a family?
IVF treatment has brought hope to thousands of elderly couples in India who have struggled to conceive. But without regulation, this booming industry presents risks to both mothers and children.
In India, married couples pin their hopes on a child to continue the family name. Rajo Devo Lohan had her "miracle baby" daughter, Naveen, when she was 70. "She loves me a lot, she is the only one for us. Everything is for her." But her body has been weakened by the pregnancy and she now has cancer. Dr Narendra Malhotra believes that older mothers are put at risk by late pregnancies. "It is for society to decide whether we are going to let scientists do [things] which put the patient and the child to great harm... that is what happened here." Elderly parents must also consider the future of their child after their death. Rajo Devo Lohan has confidence in her daughter: "Naveen is very sharp. When she is so independent, she will manage herself. Rest assured God is there to look after her."