Big Wata
Surf's up in Sierra Leone


Gugi Van Der Velden - Director
Born in London and currently living in Amsterdam, Gugi Van Der Velden is a director and writer. After studying business he decided to pursue his passion for film. Together with his love for Africa this came to fruition in Big Wata.
Director's Statement
We decided at a very early stage to make a documentary about surfers and not to make a conventional surf film. The main distinction lies in the telling of the personal development of the characters, to tell an intimate story covering universal themes. We also decided to tell these stories through scenes and not to use a voice-over or interviews. We had a very intensive 6 week period of shooting. During that time we worked every day. Because the producer, Floris Loeff, knew the members of the surf club access wasn’t much of an issue. So our effort went into gaining trust, finding the underlying issues, building story and getting enough coverage. To me Big Wata touches on the power of hope and dreams and that once these dreams are attained they make way for new dreams, your horizon shifts.