Sweden's Anti-Immigrant Surge
Will the Swedish Democrats change the face of Swedish politics?
“Mass immigration hasn’t paid off. We know that today”, says Jimmie Åkesson, leader of the far-right Sweden Democrats party, in a campaign video. “We know that in reality it inflicts enormous costs and a huge burden on our society.” Debate over Sweden’s attitude to immigrants, and the welfare system supporting them, has taken centre-stage in this election. Some have linked immigration to increased crime rates, with homicides as a result of gang warfare especially problematic. The police say almost all these crimes concern immigrants. Although the ruling Social Democrats appreciate the societal problems concerned, they refuse to bend to the far-right’s demands. “For me one thing is very clear. No cooperation or dependence on the Sweden Democrats”, says outgoing PM Stefan Löfven. “This is a party with values so far from mine. They do not protect, believe each individual has the same human value, they speak badly about minorities, they threaten media. This is not just another party, this is an extreme party.” As the far-right gains more power, however, this may not be possible.