The Producers

Kelly Showker - Director
Kelly Showker is a filmmaker, public speaker and photographer. Between 2002 and 2016 she directed and produced experimental short film The Trimesters of Female Aging before going on to create Slut or Nut: The Diary of a Rape Trial (2018). Born in Virginia, US, Showker has worked in Uganda, South Africa, Cameroon and Canada on anti-corruption policies and issues involving women and the legal system. She now resides in Florida with her partner and daughter.
Making The Film

Whilst preparing to testify, Mandi Gray kept written and video diaries, recruiting the help of Kelly Showker in filming herself talk about her experiences. Shortly afterwards, the women conceived of the idea to follow the trial in a documentary. The trial lasted two years, during which time two other women who had successfully taken their abusers to court became involved in the project. Because their identities of are subject to publication bans, they appear in the film with their voices changed as an animated fox and cat called Jane Doe and Another Jane Doe. The crew, which was made up primarily of women in their mid-20s, included Hana Shafi or @FrizzKidArt who created animation for the film. The women crowd sourced funding for the project via Indiegogo.