Inside Rebel Territory
Close up with Chechnya's deep war
The Chechen troops elude Russia's forces by moving from safe house to safe house, from one partial bomb shelter to the next. One youth recalls the horror in Grozny. "We had to open a path through a minefield... hundreds died. Many others died from cold and hunger, some even shot themselves during the retreat, not able to take it anymore." In the hideout where we've agreed to meet him, Chechnya's rebel president Aslan Maskhadov arrives with great secrecy, risking being discovered in order to meet us. "Losing is not an option," he declares. "If we lose this war, we will be exterminated." Chechnya's Civil Rights leader Abu Said and Development Minister Adam Mousayav meet in a secluded safe house to express their desperation for outside help. They can't understand why the U.S. has chosen to protect human rights in Kosovo and Iraq, yet hasn't gotten involved in stopping this genocide. Meanwhile, Chechen troops celebrate yesterday's victory with hot cups of tea sweetened with canned condensed milk around the campfire. This is all they've got -- besides hope. And for them, living to fight another day is reason enough to celebrate.
Produced by Chris Kline