Stir-Fried Stinkbugs

Munching on bugs in northern Thailand

Stir-Fried Stinkbugs The northern Thai province of Issan is beginning to capitalise on exporting the local culinary delicacies -- bugs -- to markets around the world.
"You know those stink bugs you get on your shirt as a kid, it's like taking it off and eating it - that's what it tastes like." Probably because that's what it is. In Thailand the locals have been crunching beetles, locusts and ant eggs in their satays for ages. Now they're putting them in cans for foreign palates. Local universities are even trying to prove that beetles, tadpoles, and other creepy-crawlies are actually better for you than beef. But would the average westerner really be willing to dine on a McBeetleburger?

Produced by ABC Australia

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