The Remandee
Prisoners in indefinite detention in Zambia face a painful choice between love and safety

Read an interview with the Directors – HERE
Jakob Jakobsen - Director/Writer
Director. Born July 18th 1975. Jakob has a master degree in social anthropology to which he is currently adding a master degree in counselling psychology. With the exception of two years in Denmark 2011-2013, encompassing field research among African homeless in Copenhagen, Jakob has lived and worked in African countries Zambia, Tanzania and Uganda 2005-2019. Initially employed in the development sector as an education advisor for an NGO in Tanzania, his growing stake in freelance journalism with a political focus has been published in Danish media such as the newspapers Information and Kristeligt Dagblad, and the Foreign Ministry’s magazine Udvikling. His work has focused on workers' rights in urban Zambia, and rural youth’ access to quality education in Tanzania. In Uganda, his work has mainly focused on mental health care, and issues surrounding homosexuality. Jakob was employed as a field researcher for the Danish filmmaker Mads Brügger and his project Cold Case Hammerskjöld. Jakob returned to Denmark in 2019. In a psychology practice in Copenhagen, he is finalizing his concluding practicum to become a counselling psychologist.
Alexander Lind - Director/Writer/Director of Photography
Director. Born December 1st 1983. Alexander graduated as a multi-camera director from The Danish Film School in 2013, with his graduation film Carl & Niels being his major stepping stone into the industry. The documentary depicting two twin brothers struggling to leave their childhood symbiosis behind, was selected for the documentary film festival IDFA in Amsterdam as well as being rewarded as “Best New Nordic Voice” at the film festival
Nordisk Panorama. He has since reached far and wide with his first feature film in 2017 titled Next Sommer , which tells the story of Rasmus who is forever afraid of inheriting his father’s depression. This documentary led to a nomination for Danish documentary film festival CPH:DOX and further cemented Alexander's remarkable ability to portray close and complicated relationships in both a cinematically artistic way as well as a relatable and deeply human way. Apart from these films Alexander has directed television documentaries for Danish national broadcaster DR as well as the Danish production company Pineapple Entertainment. This has amounted to a handful of television series, several of which have received awards, nominations and general praise from the industry and audience in Denmark.