Russia's Info War

Russia estimated to have over 100k casualties this year

Russia's Info War Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Putin's propaganda campaign has become increasingly extreme. But Putin’s information war hasn’t gone to plan. The critical journalists he banned haven’t stayed silent.
When Putin launched the invasion of Ukraine, hundreds of journalists moved to neighbouring Latvia, which has fast-tracked visas to become the European hub of the information war. Leading independent Russian channel, TV Rain, now broadcasting from Riga, claims that they are reaching tens of millions of Russians by putting their content on YouTube. "After the relaunch, we are having approximately 22 million unique viewers monthly, and 65 per cent are from Russia," says presenter Yekaterina Kotrikadze. Russia’s last independent newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, is publishing online through encrypted channels, providing links to VPNs to bypass Russian firewalls. As Russia has been pushed back in Ukraine, the rhetoric has become ever more strident. As the Ukraine war enters its second year, both sides on the information war are settling in for a long fight.

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