Hackers Inc
Ransomware gang claims major attack on Western Digital
![Hackers Inc (2023) on IMDb](https://ia.media-imdb.com/images/G/01/imdb/plugins/rating/images/imdb_46x22.png)
"We might think it's one guy in a basement, wearing a hoodie, but the reality is it is a business operation. On some counts, global cybercrime is the third-biggest economy in the world", explains Katherine Mansted, Director of Cyber Intelligence at CyberCX. A cyber attack is reported every 7 minutes in Australia, with the CyberCX teams dealing with over 200 major incidents a year. "They operate from offshore safe havens. Russia, for example, green lights its ransomware and cyber-extortion actors provided they don't attack Russian targets." Cyber extortion is a growing problem, with hackers locking people out of their system or holding private information until they agree to pay a ransom. Medibank was part of a string of attacks against well-known popular household brands in Australia. When they refused to pay, hackers released a list of customers who had received highly sensitive medical treatment. Hacker franchises like REvil and DarkSide have even targeted major groups like JBS Foods, which became a national security concern for the USA that crossed borders. "Consider what things will look like in 2030 where our fridge and our electricity, our air conditioning and our car, everything is going to be connected to the internet. We are going to have to get a handle on this problem well before then", says Cyber Security Minister, Claire O'Neil.