The Shepherds Of The West Bank
Inside the settlers' war on Palestine
Netanyahu's government has proposed building over three thousand new homes in the West Bank settlements, and incidents of settler violence directed at Palestinian shepherds are increasing. "One of them hit me with his rifle and cracked my rib. He told me to leave and that if he saw me here again, he would kill me" says Mohamed, a shepherd. Settlers, supported by the IDF, have organised the demolition of Palestinian buildings with the claim of divine-right to the land: "it is God who gave us this earth, I do not argue with him" says a settler. Acting as negotiators, some Israeli activists have offered their services to protect Palestinian shepherds. Amitai Shalom, an anti-occupation activist escorts shepherds in their pastures to mitigate settler violence; he says "now it's almost impossible for them to come here alone, for sure". Without protection, Palestinians risk the confiscation of their belongings and money by the IDF. "They have taken all our savings, without a reason" says Namah Ahmad Hathaleen, a pregnant Palestinian whose husband was arrested by the IDF without charges.