Rags to Ruin: The Cost of Fast Fashion in Ghana

Rags to Ruin: The Cost of Fast Fashion in Ghana Ghana has become a global dumpster for fast fashion's cast-offs. The turnstile for Africa's secondhand clothing trade, the port of Accra ingests a staggering 11 million pounds of discarded garments from around the world every single week.
Charity bin donations from Europe arrive in Accra by the ton, only for the large quantity of unsellable garments to be dumped in landfills, or burned, polluting the air and waterways of Accra's Old Fadama slum. The neighborhood is located by a lagoon, which has been transformed into a huge open sewer, completely clogged with textile waste. Respected community leader Mohamed Salifu is concerned: “This comes from Europe. How much longer will it have to stay here and pollute our land?” Salifu is also responsible for health issues in this deprived neighbourhood, and beyond the water, what worries Mohamed is the air quality: “You see the smoke? They have no choice but to burn the clothes if they don’t want to be overwhelmed.” Residents are slowly poisoning themselves on toxic fumes, a situation made worse by the threadbare healthcare in Old Fadama. Non-profit Plastic Punch tries to clean the area, but it is an uphill battle, and Director Richmond Kennedy Quarcoo warns, “if we don’t act quickly, future generations won’t be able to enjoy the ocean at all.”

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